Never Too Late

Published by Terry Walker on 11th Mar 2015

An article sent to JAC Vapour by 82 year old customer, Terry Walker, proving it's never too late to switch to vaping.

Smoking of cigarettes is a well established practice which has fallen into disrepute of recent times due to the dangers posed to the health of the smoker and others by the inhalation of smoke containing numerous dangerous chemicals.viz. Carcinogens and poisonous carbon monoxide. Smoking is not the simple activity one would think. On closer inspection several elements are revealed which are important in the enjoyment of smoking.

Smoking is generally started by young people seeking to emulate their elders.

Although their first experience may not be very pleasurable, many who persevere find great satisfaction in smoking. After a while smoking becomes ingrained in our life and habitual, probably due to addiction to the nicotine in the tobacco.

Below I will attempt to analyse the various elements responsible for gratification.

  1. the aroma when first open a new pack.
  2. the act of handling and holding the cigarette.
  3. the taste of the smoke when it is inhaled.
  4. the nicotine "hit" felt by the throat.
  5. the aftertaste which lingers for quite some time afterwards.
  6. the oral satisfaction of a cigarette between the lips.
  7. the most enjoyable smoke is at the conclusion of a good meal.

During my life time the percentage of the population who smoke has completely reversed from more than 80% down to about 20% and public outrage has caused many governments to pass legislation banning the smoking of tobacco products in public places. This has lead to smokers having to stand outside offices, pubs, restaurants etc. to smoke, resulting in them feeling like lepers.

As the saying goes "necessity is the mother of invention" and an electronic cigarette or e-cigarette was patented in 1963 but further developed and manufactured by the Chinese in 2003.

An electronic cigarette is an electrical device that simulates the act of tobacco smoking by producing an inhaled vapour bearing the physical sensation, appearance, and the flavour of inhaled tobacco smoke, without its odour or associated health risks.

This device is made to look like a normal cigarette, but usually a little larger, and consists of two main parts.

  • A re-chargeable battery inside a casing.
  • A shorter coloured section (cartridge) which houses a liquid soaked in a cotton wad, a heat source, and atomiser.

The action of sucking air through the whole device causes power to be applied to the atomiser and the liquid (propylene glycol or glycerine, containing the flavouring) to become heated and vaporised. The vapour is drawn into the mouth delivering flavour and any nicotine present in the liquid into the lungs. On expiration the vapour appears to be smoke but is in reality water vapour.

The smoking simulation is enhanced even further by a grey plastic cover (representing ash) over the end of the device which glows red whilst puffing away, due to a LED behind the end cap.


Whilst there are many different methods used to assist those wishing to stop smoking (e.g. nicotine patches, gums etc, various drugs bupropion, varenidine, hypnosis, acupuncture etc) only the electronic cigarette fulfil almost all of the key factors (viz. items 2-7) which provide satisfaction to the smoker and to my mind this new device is the greatest step forward in combating smoking and its associated health risks. On reflection I believe that the use of an electronic cigarette provides a psychological advantage in that the user feels they have not irrevocably given up smoking as, with other techniques.


Due to the lack of controlled studies on the effects on the human body of the use of the relatively new electronic cigarette, some, but not all, of the medical fraternity are prepared, as yet, to offer their support to their use.


Many manufacturers claim that one cartridge is equivalent to 40 cigarettes, in reality the figure is more like ten or less. A packet of 5 cartridges cost me £6.69 for the equivalent of 60 cigarettes, much cheaper. Cheaper still if you refill them with the e-liquid they sell. The E-liquid can contain varying concentrations of nicotine and those with zero can have various fruit flavours. They all quote their products can be legally used in public places In the UK.


In the UK the Home Office have issued guidance to all police forces stating that "electronic cigarettes do not fall under the ban on smoking in public places"

Authors Footnote

I am 82 years old and have smoked 9 cigarettes per day for the past 68 years (220.000 units). I recently reduced my intake to 5 per day due to wheeziness whilst breathing. After using an electronic cigarette for about 10 days I reduced to only 1 cigarette per day. After 1 month I no longer use cigarettes. This was 16 months ago and my breathing is now improved and I feel much healthier.

I tried 3 suppliers of e-cigs before find the type I enjoyed most Viz. Jac Vapour who supply cartridges ranging from 24mg nicotine down to zero. One thing I have noticed is that because you do not have to go outside to use them, one tends to use them inside slightly more often.

Many of my friends are turning to electronic cigarettes in order to lead a healthier lifestyle whilst still enjoying the characteristics of smoking.

I am firmly of the belief that we are witnessing a new era in smoking reduction techniques.

Unfortunately EU members want to class them as medical products which would require lengthy and expensive independent testing to prove their safety before allowing them to be sold.

Terry Walker, January 2014