Nicotine Pouch Side Effects

Nicotine Pouches are a great alternative to getting that nicotine fix you need without the need for lighting a cigarette or drawing on a vape device. Plus they don't have the same nasty effects that come with smoking and other nicotine alternatives like chewing tobacco.

However as nicotine pouches do contain nicotine (who'd have thought?) and you may experience some side effects, albeit as rare as they are. Any side effect is normally mild but you should always speak to you a GP if your experience is particularly troublesome or want further information before you try nicotine patches.

However, there it is still a very small percentage of people who may experience some side effects.

Buy any 2 Nordic Spirit cans for only £9.49. That's only £4.75 each, the best deal you will find online!

Nicotine Pouch Side Effects:

  • Irritation of the gums
  • Sore mouth
  • Hiccups
  • An upset stomach
  • Nausea

If you want to find out more about nicotine pouches, we have a range of helpful articles to help guide you on your nicotine pouch journey. Everything from the best nicotine pouches to what they are.

Here at JAC Vapour, we offer a range of Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches to help you on your journey to quit smoking.