How Many Nicotine Pouches A Day

Wondering how many Nicotine pouches you will need to use per day to satisfy your nicotine cravings? Read on to find out.
How many nicotine pouches a day you'll need depends on your smoking or vaping habits as well as the strength of the pouches.
It is common for nicotine pouches to have a range of different strengths available. For example, Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches come in Regular (6mg), Strong (9mg) and Extra Strong (12mg) variants. Most brands will have 20 pouches per can.
Around 30% of the nicotine in a nicotine pouch will be absorbed by the user, with most of it being absorbed within the first 10-20 minutes. However, the longer you keep the pouch in, the more nicotine you will absorb.
Some people will only use the nicotine pouch for 20 minutes, which is recommended by some brands. Nordic Spirit, for example, can work for up to 60 minutes. Nicotine stays in your bloodstream even after the pouch has been removed, so it's important to read the manufacturers instructions and follow directions carefully.
An average user will use around 10 pouches per day, with each pouch being used for around 20 minutes. If you use each nicotine pouch for the full 60 minutes, you may only need 3-6 pouches per day.
Experiment with brands and strengths to find what works for you.